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Puzzle game Tempopo seeing Switch release

Posted on June 9, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop


Cult Games, along with Unpacking developer Witch Beam, today unveiled Tempopo. Although it’s confirmed for Switch, we’re waiting to hear on release timing.

A puzzle game at its core, Tempopo involves rescuing musical flowers. Players start out with a planning phase for the creatures to follow when the music starts.

Here’s a proper overview outlining the experience:

Hana’s garden of musical flowers have been scattered across the sky and only the magical Tempopo with their unique abilities can rescue them. Mischievous and uncoordinated by nature, the Tempopo rely on Hana’s conducting skills to work together and solve each island’s puzzle.

Each island begins with a planning phase in which you lay down instructions for the Tempopo to follow when you start the music. Use your wits or trial and error to find the perfect configuration, solving puzzles with inventive solutions involving multiple Tempopo performing different roles.

Key Features

  • Guide Tempopo through 60 levels, manoeuvring, smashing, blocking, lifting and pushing your way through spatial puzzles across four seasons
  • Experience a bright and joyful world that’s permeated with music, where every living element moves in harmony with the musical heartbeat
  • Build your own melodic garden with the flowers you rescue throughout the game and enjoy a unique musical performance
  • Find your comfort level with an accessible by design approach to input requirements, gameplay modes, and bonus challenge puzzles
  • Soundtrack by BAFTA award-winning composer & audio director Jeff van Dyck

Check out the first trailer for Tempopo below.

Reveal Trailer

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