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Q&A details from Ubisoft/Nintendo roundtable

Posted on June 8, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News

– Ubisoft has a lot of time to make sure the Ghost Feed is secure, so they’re not concerned about user data
– Ubisoft won’t say if friend lists and accounts are system-wide or just for Ghost Recon
– Won’t say if you can use two tablets at the same time
– DS experience helped Quebec team for Assassin’s Creed – on a bigger screen with better resolution and controls
– Can’t compare Wii U power to PS3/360 since the hardware is still evolving
– Wii U devkits aren’t final
– Will take some time to get used to the hardware
– Ubisoft exploring how to push the system in different ways
– Experience is important for Ubisoft, not how many polygons can be pushed to the screen
– On whether the Wii U tech raises cost of making games: New system, same people from a cost perspective; core teams are the same
– Getting other devs/consumers enthused about Wii U: Ubisoft was one of the lucky ones to get their hands on the system, players in booth seem to be having fun; hope other devs get excited and do cool stuff like them
– What is shown by Ubisoft today is what they’ve prepared quickly
– Ubisoft has other Wii U prototypes in the works, keeping those to themselves for now
– On whether playing Wii U with the gyro is tiring: Could just use minimal effort with control sticks/gyro, but accelerometer allows you to carry out shorter/faster movements instead of larger/more sweeping movements
– Can’t say if Ghost Recon can alert someone who is far away from the TV of events without having to pick up the controller, but the dev says it’s a good idea and will make note of it
– Ubisoft believes there’s still a place for local multiplayer, want it as a part of the experience
– Killer Freaks has online play
– Ubisoft not sure what the range of the controller is, still experimenting

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