Reminder: Book Club discussions in the forums, podcast discussions on the… podcast?

Are you sad because it appears as though the Wii outsold the Wii U for yet another month in a row? Well, here’s something to cheer you up: Anyone participating in the ‘NintendoEverything Book Club (for Video Games!)‘ can take part in discussions about Super Mario RPG in our forums right this second. We’re on week 2 of this whole shin-dig (catch up if you need to!), and people are just now getting where they need to be, so the discussions are finally “heating up” as they say in all those cool sports that people watch. Or in Pokémon Stadium.
You can also send your thoughts on this section– which encompasses such magical locations as the Kero Sewers and Mole Village– to [email protected]. If you say things that are nice and interesting/important, we’ll read them and discuss them on the podcast!
Send us an email here.
Click here for some crazy footage of Nintendo’s E3 2001 Press Conference!