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Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D doesn’t allow you to delete save files

Posted on June 27, 2011 by (@NE_Austin) in 3DS, News

I don’t think this has been posted on the site, but if it has then Valay will just have to delete this and punish me later!

I was browsing the forums earlier today and saw a thread posted by one of the editors there warning people who are interested in RE: Mercs 3D that Capcom has decided to include only one save file as part of the game. This wouldn’t normally be a big deal, but they’ve also decided it’d be a great idea not to give you the ability to delete the save file. Basically what this means is that if you buy the game used or rent it, you’ll be starting where the last person left off. You can’t start a new game.

I figured it was worth mentioning, because that could really be a make-or-break sort of feature for a lot of you! What do you think? Does this upset you as much as it upsets me?

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