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Scott Moffitt says that the Wii U’s deluxe Set is selling extremely well

Posted on November 14, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in News, Wii U

Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of sales and marketing (and guy-who-sort-of-sounds-like-a-nursery-rhyme-character) Scott Moffitt said that the response to the Wii U deluxe set has been extremely positive, and he thinks it means Nintendo priced it properly:

“All I can say is that the response has been phenomenal and we’re getting, especially in the higher priced deluxe set, that one’s selling out incredibly quickly. That seems to indicate that the pricing’s in a good spot and the proof is in the consumer response.”

He also went on to reiterate that while initial demand seems to be higher than it was for Wii, Nintendo will also have “more systems on hand for the Wii U than we did for the launch of Wii” and that “replenishments will be more frequent this holiday time than during the Wii launch.”

All in all, we can expect some shortages, but nothing on the level of Wii. At least not yet!

Via GamesIndustry

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