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Site update – Game nights!

Posted on March 29, 2010 by (@NE_Austin) in Site updates

So, here’s an idea for all of you reading this: How about we all play some games together one night a week? That’s my latest crazy idea.

What ever happened to game nights? I remember when I was a kid, my family would get together once a week and play board games as a way of bonding or something, and now I’m wondering: What ever happened to that? Well, I think we need to bring them back, so that’s what I’m here to do. I ran this by everyone a while back, and I’m just now getting back to it and putting everything in motion for this next week! Here’s all the details on the project:

-Once a week, staff and visitors to NE will get together to make use of the Wii’s online capabilities by playing a series of games together.
-Not all Nintendo Wi-Fi capable games will be eligible for play right away.
-There will be a weekly poll to decide which game(s) will be played the following night.
-Game nights will be Saturday nights, starting at 7PM EST, 6PM EST, and 4PM PST.
-If you’re across the pond from America, no worries! There will be more conveniently timed game nights/afternoons for you guys, too! Of course, you’re free to join in on the regular ones as well!

Now, I know I said this would be once a week, but to start we’re going to do once a month and bring it up from there if we see the need. That said, the first scheduled game night will be Saturday, April 17! It’s a ways in the future, but there’s good reason for that: Friend Codes. Ah yes, friend codes. Can’t live with em, can’t shoot em, am I right? Anyway, this is probably the main reason people have trouble with online gaming on Wii and DS, but I’m determined to overcome it, and here’s how:

Sign-Up Form:
Wii F/C:
Games you have, plus friend codes:

I know, this is a pain, but my goal is to have a running database of everyone that visits NE to be accessible by the public, that way you (the user) can access your own data whenever you need to without having to go into each game again and you (the other user) can access other people’s data by name or by game, making everything more convenient for everyone! You’re going to have to get your friend codes written down eventually, so you might as well do it now, right? Send your submission forms to [email protected] by the 17th if you want to participate!

Hopefully we can build a solid online community, because the Wii and DS seem to have trouble doing that normally!

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