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Standard definition (4:3) TVs can’t do Gamepad/TV splitscreen in Black Ops 2, but Off-TV play works fine

Posted on November 23, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in News, Wii U

So here’s something unfortunate I came across while struggling to figure out why me and Jack couldn’t play Black Ops 2 splitscreen between the TV and Gamepad online: The game won’t let you use that feature unless you have an HDTV! I’m sure it has more to do with the aspect ratio (16:9 vs 4:3) than it does the fact that the TV is high definition, but it’s not good to hear nonetheless.

For clarification, I played GPTV (new acronym: Gamepad/TV) splitscreen a couple of nights ago just fine on a 16:9 screen. Tried today on a 4:3 screen and it didn’t work. Brought down my 16:9 TV, tried it again, and it worked. I’d rather not have to switch back and forth just because I want to use one of the key features of the Wii U version!

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