Sunday night update: Game nights

Mario looks really serious because he wants you to read the rest of this entry.
Note: I’ve got an awesome article prepared for tomorrow evening, so I’m not short-changing you on an article this week, I promise. I’ve just gotten used to doing Monday posts, I guess!
I want to start out by thanking everyone that has sent in their friend codes so far, and encourage anyone that hasn’t to get on it! Even if you only have time to grab one or two codes for your most-played games, that’s fine. I just want to make sure that we get as many as we can! Send your codes to my e-mail ([email protected]) so I can get them all together. After all, what have you got to lose? You know you’re gonna write them down eventually anyway!
Secondly, I want to tell you what will happen with these codes. Once I get them all, I’ll compile them into a database organized by name and by game, and post that database up on the forum for everyone to see and access. Also, I’ll put all the codes into a file which will be downloadable for everyone if they want to have a copy saved to their computer, that way they don’t have to access the internet in order to access the codes. This will also make the sheet printable for you to tape next to your TV or Wii or… something like that. I know it’s a huge pain to get all your codes together, but think of how mind-bogglingly awesome you will feel when you have it all finished! It’ll be like beating a Zelda game, only better! Maybe…

Remember how epic this was? Well, it’s nothing compared to the feeling of getting all your friend codes in!
Anyway, entrants to these nights of gaming (the ‘knights of gaming’, perhaps?) should sign up on the forum ASAP, because that is where all discussion of future game choices, ideas to change the way we run it, and discussion of how awesome it was when Valay made that leaping kill in The Conduit will go on. This is also a place where you can post friend codes, if e-mail is inconvenient for you! Additionally, the forum will be used to create a group that all of the gaming knights (I might have to coin that term!) can join. This will allow myself and Valay to send you all e-mails and messages regarding future dates for game nights and updates regarding the structure of everything. Who knows, maybe we’ll even announce a competition somewhere in there! To sign up, simply click here!
Remember, the first game night will be in two weeks, on April 17th, so get your Wiimotes charged and your game faces on, because it’s bound to be a fun night!