Air Zonk, Ninja Spirit, and Victory Run hitting the North American Wii U Virtual Console tomorrow
Posted on 7 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 7 Comments
Update: Ninja Spirit and Victory Run are also confirmed for tomorrow. They are $5.99 each as well.
Original: Air Zonk is slated for the North American Wii U Virtual Console this week, according to a listing on Nintendo’s website. Konami will be bringing the game out tomorrow.
Here’s an overview:
Air “Zonk” is a spin-off of the popular Bonk’s Adventure series. The powered-up Zonk gathers his friends to form Team Cool, and they set out to stop King Drool’s plan to conquer the world. Choose from 3 levels of difficulty and 3 types of Friend Modes. Shoot King Drool’s cyber robots and avoid their attacks while collecting the Air Bones to unleash a variety of attacks. Enjoy unique moves such as combining with a friend to create an invincible hybrid form or blasting enemies with a charged attack.
Air Zonk will set you back $5.99 on the Wii U eShop.