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Joystick Ventures

Hell of an Office

Hell of an Office will be seeing release on Switch, publisher Joystick Ventures and developer 43 Studios confirmed today. A release is planned for Q4 2024.

Hell of an Office is a satanic speedrunning first-person platformer. The game takes place in a corporate hellscape in which players attempt to escape an eternal workplace.

For further details, check out the following overview:

Toy Tactics

Today, publisher Joystick Ventures and developer Kraken Empire announced a new Switch version of Toy Tactics. It should be ready at the end of this year.

Toy Tactics is a physics-based real-time strategy game. Players personalize battle tactics by hand to defend against enemy hordes of minifigure units like Roman soldiers, Samurai warriors, raptor-riding skeletons, and more.

Additional information is available in the following overview:

Do Not Feed the Monkeys 2099

Do Not Feed the Monkeys 2099 is making its way to Switch, it’s been revealed. The game is intended to launch later on May 25, 2023.

If this title sounds familiar, it’s because the original Do Not Feed the Monkeys previously appeared on Switch. It ended up on the console back in 2020.

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