MonoGame software is compatible with Switch
Posted on 8 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop | 2 Comments
MonoGame, a tool developers use to bring Windows games to other platforms, is officially compatible with Switch. TowerFall, Celeste, and Stardew Valley are all making use of the software.
The official MonoGame Twitter account shared the news:
MonoGame is coming to Switch!! First titles will be @MattThorson's Tower Fall, Celeste & @ConcernedApe's Stardew Valley with multi-player!!
— MonoGame (@MonoGameTeam) March 1, 2017
Wii U’s lack of compatibility with MonoGame hurt the console somewhat. Axiom Verge’s developer struggled to get the game running on Nintendo’s old console, which required an outside team to be brought in and handle the port.