Ralin-Dwarf Wars in the works for Wii U
Posted on 10 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 2 Comments
The developers behind Ralin-Dwarf Wars have confirmed their intentions to bring the game to Wii U. A release date hasn’t been determined, however.
Haven’t heard of Ralin-Dwarf Wars before? Then check out the handy overview below, and a video above.
The set of this epic game are the Dwarven Halls, smoothly lightened in the warm glow of the fire torches. Explore them and discover the scenery that takes place in the middle of War – Goblins vs Dwarfs. The player´s role is a dwarf who sacrifices his life to protect the treasures of his dwarf clan, mined with their sweat and blood. Hack and Slay the wicked thieves who nastily sneaked into the dwarf halls and steal the precious treasures. The gameplay is a combat with hand to hand weapons. The dwarves are picking up their hammer and protect what is precious to them. They do not appreciate the Goblin intrusion!