Kickstarter: The adventures of Bit ‘n’ Ravh comes with Wii U stretch goal
Posted on 11 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop | 4 Comments
Indie developer Guilherme Vargas is looking to fund his new project “The adventures of Bit ‘n’ Ravh” on Kickstarter. The side-scrolling adventure game needs $35,000 in order to receive funding, but Nintendo fans would likely be more interested in one of the campaign’s stretch goals.
The adventures of Bit ‘n’ Ravh will head to Wii U if donations exceed $75,000. Assuming the stretch goal is met, Vargas will acquire Wii U dev software and intends to bring in “skilled programmers” for the eShop release.
You can check out the Kickstarter page for The adventures of Bit ‘n’ Ravh here. The campaign ends on March 9.