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Tekken producer says that working with Nintendo lets them add small, unique details to games

Posted on September 6, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in News, Wii U

It’s hard to discern whether he’s saying that he likes working with Nintendo or what (a lot of people are phrasing it in a way that I don’t think is totally true…), but he is saying that the team behind Tekken’s Tremendously Triumphant Tag Team Tournament Two (Tekken Tag Tournament 2) was able to add some silly details to the Wii U version of the game- such as the Super Mushroom powerup- because of their working with Nintendo. Here’s the quote:

“It is kind difficult to mention much because we are focusing on the Xbox 360 and the PS3 versions as the PR focus. But we can say this – because we are collaborating with Nintendo we really wanted to create features like [the Mega Mushroom] that are only possible because we are collaborating with Nintendo. That’s just one example and we hope that everyone will be looking forward to the other things we have to show.” – Tekken Tag Tournemtn 2 Producer, Katsuhiro Harada

It sort of sounds like he might be hinting at the fact that there are more little bits of Nintendo-y goodness in the game, but I doubt we’ll learn about them until closer to the launch of the game and console.

Via NintendoLife

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