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The Big Huge Gigantic NintendoEverything Wii Send-Off [Part 1]

Posted on November 9, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in Features, Wii

Tonight: NintendoEverything readers voted, and we bring you (in generic top ten list form!) the results for “Best Visuals”, “Best Soundtrack”, and “Most Underappreciated”!

The Wii has had a long life– longer than any past Nintendo system in fact– and even though we are but a week and a half from the launch of the console’s successor, we here at NintendoEverything thought it would be fitting to use the weekend before the Wii U explosion as a long send-off to Nintendo’s revolutionary little while box. Tonight, we bring you the first of three parts to our coverage, which make public for the first time the winners for “Best Visuals”, “Best Soundtrack”, and “Most Under-Appreciated” in the large survey I did of your guys’ opinions. They have have been hand-counted (yes– paper, pen, and tallies), written up, and formatted for your convenience, all of which are available below.

Enjoy! And be sure to discuss things in the comments!

The Top Ten Wii Game Soundtracks

The Top Ten Most Visually Appealing Wii Games

The Ten Most Under-Appreciated Wii Games

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