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The Big Huge Gigantic NintendoEverything Wii Send-Off [Part 1]

Posted on November 9, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in Features, Wii

6. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Arguably the best soundtrack of the Zelda series (and consequently one of the best soundtracks of all time), The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is host to some of the series’ most iconic tunes. From the brand new Hyrule Field fanfare to Midna’s theme, to the incredible Staff Roll that I named the best Zelda song of all time in a terrible video that is now no longer on the internet, Twilight Princess absolutely deserves this spot, and perhaps a few even higher.

5. Xenoblade Chronicles

Yet another game from the infamous three on this list (and yet another I’ve not had the immense pleasure of playing) is Xenoblade Chronicles, a commercially successful and critically acclaimed RPG that pretty much represents the swan song of the Wii. The game has a truly gorgeous soundtrack (much like ‘The Last Story’) that really helps elevate the game from being great to being legendary, and I’m sure it’s a large part of why many people consider it the best RPG of this generation. The soundtrack sample above (to which I am currently listening) is urging me to sell my Wii U preorder to someone and instead buy all of these great games I’m writing about!

4. Super Mario Galaxy 2

Can Nintendo do no wrong with their core franchises!? Super Mario Galaxy 2 has already made your guys’ list for “best visuals”, and now it’s on at number four for best soundtrack! I admit, I’m not quite as big a fan of this soundtrack as I am many others on this list, but hearing the absolute bouncy joy of the soundtrack sample above is slowly starting to change my mind…

Onwards to #3…

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