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The Big Huge Gigantic NintendoEverything Wii Send-Off [Part 1]

Posted on November 9, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in Features, Wii

1. The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

While many people call Skyward Sword’s soundtrack less memorable than other Zelda OSTs (and the comment isn’t entirely unfounded), just listening to some of the tunes really evokes a feeling of nostalgia and heartwarming, despite the game only having come out a little under a year ago. I’ll be the first to admit that I couldn’t sing as many songs out of the blue from this particular soundtrack as I could from, say, Twilight Princess, but much like Zelda art game Windwaker, sometimes it’s not about the “memorableness”– it’s about the… something. Something else that’s more important than memorableness.

That’s it for the ten best sounding games on the Wii! Why not take some extra time and check out our lists for the Wii games with the best visuals and the Wii games that most people missed out on?

Already finish all three lists? Leave a comment below and say why you think the rankings are really good or really bad and stuff!

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