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The Big Huge Gigantic NintendoEverything Wii Send-Off [Part 1]

Posted on November 9, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in Features, Wii

10. Metroid: Other M

Despite being somewhat disappointing in a lot of ways, Metroid: Other M did have visual appeal going for it from both a technical and an atmospheric standpoint. Things had a great shine to them, areas were colorful and unique, bosses were simple yet intricate, and characters were able to express more than in Metroid Prime 3 due to Team Ninja’s experience with body animations. Sure, you may not have loved the game to death, but that wasn’t due to how it looked!

9. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

This being in the place it is really hammers home the point Nintendo has been making for years: Technicality really doesn’t play a huge role in how great something looks. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess was a game built on the Gamecube and ported to the Wii, which meant that for all intents and purposes, the graphics were Gamecube quality. Regardless, riding through Hyrule Field at sunset, staring out over Lake Hylia towards the desert, or wandering about in the Twilight Realm invoke truly wonderful feelings, and that’s largely due to the beautiful landscape crafted by Nintendo EAD.

8. Metroid Prime: Trilogy

Two Gamecube games packaged with a Wii game wouldn’t usually strike you as something particularly visually impressive, but in the case of the Metroid Prime series it certainly does. Both Prime 1 and Echoes share a commonality with Twilight Princess in that they both greatly surpass the technical restrictions of their console using simplicity and artistic fidelity, but Prime 3: Corruption takes all of that fidelity and tosses in the added power of the Wii to make what was easily the best looking Wii game at the time, and it all streamed at a silky smooth 60 frames per second.

7. Kirby’s Epic Yarn

There are games out there like Gears of War, whose visual appeal lays mainly with how much detail they can cram onto the screen, and then there are games like Kirby’s Epic Yarn. Being a somewhat whimsical and off-shoot game– even for the Kirby franchise– Epic Yarn’s sheer cleverness and charm earned it a respectable number seven on this list. Oh, and actually zipping up the background of any level in this game looks truly incredible.

Onwards to #6-4…

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