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The Big Huge Gigantic NintendoEverything Wii Send-Off [Part 1]

Posted on November 9, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in Features, Wii

6. Monster Hunter Tri

Nary a Capcom game on the Wii has as vast and gorgeous a visual landscape as Monster Hunter Tri. Sure, it’s not as interesting or unique as something like Tatsunoko vs. Capcom or Okami, but when you step out into the hunting field for the first time, the grand trumpeting theme plays, and the sun beats down on you, it is truly a beautiful sight to behold. Not to mention the wonderfully intricate snow, lava, and sand areas!

5. Muramasa: The Demon Blade

Does this one need explaining beyond a screenshot? I don’t think so! But just in case, let me take a crack at it: Perhaps the most visually appealing game of the last generation (at least according to me), Muramasa: The Demon Blade takes the gorgeous hand-drawn art style from its spiritual predecessor Odin Sphere and combines it with feudal Japan, creating a style that is at once easy-to-follow, intricate, and vast. I truly don’t think there is a more artistically beautiful game on Wii! At least not one that I can think of at this moment in time.

4. Xenoblade Chronicles

Alas, I’ve not had the pleasure of playing Xenoblade Chronicles just yet, but that has not stopped me in the slightest from marveling at the incredible landscapes vicariously through Youtube videos and trailers. They remind me almost of Final Fantasy X with some added vibrancy, and the fact that most of this was pulled off on a console as “limited” as Wii is something of a wonder in and of itself.

Onwards to #3…

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