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The Grinder no longer Wii exclusive, will release Halloween 2011

Posted on February 4, 2010 by (@NE_Austin) in News, Wii

Here’s something I know you’ll all be very passionate about hearing. In a recent interview with IGN, head honchos of High Voltage Software Kerry Ganofsky and Eric Nofsinger revealed that the Grinder will not be a Wii exclusive, and will also ship on PS3, Xbox 360, and PC. Not only that, but the game isn’t planned to come out until Halloween of 2011. I’m not too worried about this, because HVS has shown that they don’t cut corners on Wii (granted that The Conduit could’ve turned out better), and hopefully this will only give them the higher sales that they deserve! Does this anger you, or do you think it’s a good move on HVS’ part?


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