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Tiny Garden coming to Switch following immediate Kickstarter success

Posted on July 3, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

Tiny Garden

In just one hour, Tiny Garden was funded on Kickstarter. That means the game can fully move forward with production after publishers turned the project down. We don’t have any news about a release window, but expect to see it on Switch down the road.

The target for Tiny Garden on Kickstarter was a modest €5,000, which certainly makes it easier to reach its goal. Still, the fact that it was met so quickly says a lot. Fans have actually raised over €8,000 so far with a month remaining in the campaign. 

As for the actual game, Tiny Garden features farming, puzzle, and strategy gameplay. The whole thing involves building a magical garden inside a 90s-inspired toy. 

Further details can be found in the following overview:

Tiny Garden is a tiny farming and easy-going strategy game inside a plastic toy from the 90s. Plant, grow, and trade your vegetables for new plants and items to customize your toy set!

In Tiny Garden, everything revolves around the most humble plastic vegetables. Get some carrot or turnip seeds, make them grow, and trade them for bigger and fancier vegetables, plants, or even furniture items to customize every corner of your garden

In the beginning, there’s the seed. Grab it and bury it in the soil. Then turn the crank. Like if this was an actual mechanical toy, the crank would make things happen. After turning the crank one, two, or three times, the seeds will grow and become carrots, turnips, sunflowers and many more!

Once you have enough vegetables, you can harvest them and trade them for new seeds or items, like furniture, to customize your tiny home inside the toy set.

Some plants will change the soil. Cactus turn the land into a desert, bushes make grass grow around them, and fountains flood the terrain, turning it into a perfect spot for… a water lily, for example!

Remember all the time you spent playing with this toy? You actually believed that growing vegetables was as easy as turning the crank. Now, older and wiser, you see that not all things are as easy as they look.

With your toy set, you will feel like you where there: 7 years old, laying down in the floor of your bedroom, setting some carrots and tomatoes in their places and turning the crank to watch some magic happen. You can put the wood table or the closet in the top part of the set. Meanwhile, you can grow sunflowers, water lilies, and even a big tree on the bottom part of the set. C’mon, spin the crank to make those grow and trade them for more seeds and furniture! There are some cute ones waiting for you!

Key Features

  • A game that represents a mechanical toy from our childhood
  • A relaxed experience: there’s no death, no hurry, no fail state
  • A wholesome and 90s aesthetic
  • Discover all items in the game and customize the tiny set however you want

Get a look at a trailer for Tiny Garden below.

Kicksterter Trailer

If you’re interested in contributing to the game’s Kickstarter campaign, you can do so here.

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