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To the Moon: Sigmund Minisode 1 and 2 coming to Nintendo Switch [update: out now]

Posted on February 18, 2025 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch eShop

To the Moon: Sigmund Minisode 1 and 2

December 19: Today, Serenity Forge and Freebird Games announced that To the Moon: Sigmund Minisode 1 and 2 are heading to Nintendo Switch. Both are planned for early 2025 on the console.

These two experiences first launched for PC in 2013 and 2015 respectively. Both offer a wider look at the To the Moon universe.

We’ve got the following information about the release, courtesy of Serenity Forge:

To the Moon’s Sigmund Minisodes follow Dr. Rosalene and Dr. Watts, giving you the chance to take a deeper look into their lives and their fascinating work to give patients a chance to relive their lives to fulfill their desires.

Minisode 1 follows a dichotomous holiday season filled with cheer alongside public protest against the Sigmund corporation – where ethical dilemmas and emotional challenges will challenge Rosalene and Watts’ perception of their own work.

Minisode 2 continues the deeper look into Rosalene and Watts’ lives and the challenges faced at the Sigmund Corporation – though there might be more to this story. Experience cryptic apparitions, secret projects and unexpected moments that hint at a larger story unfolding in the To the Moon universe.

Watch a trailer for To the Moon: Sigmund Minisode 1 and 2 below.

Official Trailer

We’ll keep you updated once we have a release date. You can access other Nintendo Switch coverage here.

February 18: Both games just released on Nintendo Switch. Both cost $2.99 each on the Nintendo eShop.

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