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Valay has lost power due to Sandy!

Posted on October 29, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in Site updates

Some bad news for you guys: Valay just texted me and let me know that he finally lost power entirely, which means he is completely unable to access the sites (NE and GE) until further notice. The small glimmer in this otherwise dark patch is that I live in a completely different part of the country, so I should be able to keep things updating as they normally would. Things might be a little slow at times (I’m not used to this schedule; apologies), and I might miss certain things (if you have a tip, please use the contact form and send it to me; it’s a great help!), but for the most part I’m hoping you guys barely notice a difference!

Wish me luck in posting, and wish Valay even more luck in getting his power back. I’d imagine he’s already bored out of his mind!


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