What do YOU think? You guys are awesome!

Okay, so this isn’t part 2 of the “Has Nintendo betrayed their fanbase?” article, but it’s something that I feel I’ve gotta type up at some point or another. Believe it or not, tomorrow marks my one-year anniversary of writing for Nintendo Everything, and because of that I feel the need to dish out some major “thank you”s right about now. It’s been an absolutely fantastic year for me and video games, and I definitely want to give a big chunk of the credit to everyone that visits, contributes, or enjoys the site. You guys are the best.
First, I’ve gotta thank the bulk of the reason this site is as popular as it is: You guys. Everyone that is reading this, everyone that has commented on a news story, an article, joined the forum, or sent in a news tip; you guys are the biggest reason I do this (and because I enjoy it, of course!). Without you, I wouldn’t be where I am, and neither would NE. I think I speak for everyone that contributes to the site when I give you guys a major thank you. I really don’t know how many of you there are out there, but I’d send each and every one of you a personal thank you card if I could. I’m not sure what brought you to NE in the first place, but I am so thankful you’re here and sticking around! Hopefully you’ll stay for many, many years to come.
Next, I’ve gotta tip my hats to our newest writers, Patrick and Elliot. From what I’ve seen so far, you two really know how to get good content out there and people really enjoy it, myself included. Here’s to hoping you guys stay on with us for many years!
Next, this’d hardly be a good thank you if I didn’t thank the guy in charge of this whole machine, would it? Valay, the fact that you gave me the opportunity in the first place is absolutely awesome. I’ve improved so much as a writer and a follower of the industry thanks to NE, and I’m so glad I’m able to offer a little bit of assistance with things. Not just as a writer, though, but as someone who genuinely uses the site to get updates on news and all that good stuff, a big hats off to you for the unrelenting dedication.
So, the bottom line is, thank all of you guys for sticking with NE for the past year, and I really hope to stay on for another fantastic year of writing and reviewing. If I forgot anyone, I’m deeply sorry, but know that I’m definitely grateful of your support. But with that, I want to get into two more quick things.
Nintendo Everything Game Nights!
This is an idea I’ve been thinking about for a while now, but I haven’t gotten around to asking for your thoughts on it until just about now. Since you’re all such awesome people, I thought it’d be pretty cool to get people from the site together and play some games. I haven’t thought too much about which games, or how we decide which games to play each week, but I know we have enough of a community here to pull it off. It’d be a nice way to unwind from all the news and serious business around video games and just enjoy them for what they are. So, I’d appreciate some feedback on this idea, especially from the people out there we haven’t heard too much from! If you’ve never commented on the site or joined the forum, this is the perfect time to do so. Thanks for the support, guys!
Got feature ideas? Send ‘em our way!
Another idea I’ve had for a while, and one that’s a little easier to implement, is the chance for you guys to send in article ideas or things you’d want to get our opinions on. Since we always write articles about what WE like to write about, I think it’d be pretty cool to hear what you guys want to hear about. Maybe you want our opinion on the voice acting in Metroid Other M? Or maybe you want to hear what our favorite Wii games are? Whatever! If you’ve got an idea for an article, we’ll start accepting them today. Just use the contact form up at the top of the page and send it away! All ideas will be accredited to whoever sent them of course! If you’ve got any more questions, feel 100% free to ask in the comments section down below. We’re always reading them!
Anyway, I just want to squeeze in one last thank you before it gets old! I really tried not to drag it out too much! You guys are awesome, and I hope to see you all here for another great year!