[Wii Send-Off] The Ten Most Under-Appreciated Wii Games

6. Red Steel 2
The first Red Steel was universally declared a failure for its lack of living up to promises of great motion control gameplay and a solid campaign. The second game in the series may still need a bit of campaign work, but you would be hard pressed to find someone out there who would say that shooting and slicing enemies in Ubisoft’s Red Steel 2 isn’t some of the most fun you can have on Wii, courtesy of Wii Motion+. If you’re a gamer who likes “satisfying” gameplay, this game is about as good as it gets– even if it does have some pacing issues to the story mode.

5. Sin and Punishment: Star Successor
Treasure has never really known great commercial success, but their games always seem to have enough of an audience that they keep making more. Their Nintendo-published sequel to 2000’s Sin and Punishment— Sin and Punishment: Star Successor— was as faithful to the “Treasure” feel as one could hope for. Featuring a storyline that is about as good as a Japanese arcade machine shooter (and with all the charming pacing problems and vague storytelling), and some on-rails gameplay that is almost as good as it gets, the game certainly deserves its spot at number five on this list. It’s just a shame it didn’t sell more…

4. MadWorld
Back when I reviewed MadWorld in 2009 I gave the game something like an 8.8 out of 10. I don’t stand by that number (it was one of my first pieces of writing for NE– give me a break!), but despite that I would still make the case that every Wii owner should try and experience this game at least once. Featuring more hilarity than even the similar No More Heroes, more unique ways to kill than in any other game I’ve ever played, and an art style that is perhaps one-of-a-kind to the industry, Madworld may not be perfect, but it’s absolutely worth checking out. And it’s only like ten bucks at Gamestop now. You have no excuse.