[Wii Send-Off] The Ten Most Under-Appreciated Wii Games

3. Xenoblade Chronicles
Despite the fact that it sold around 700K, many Wii owners feel that Xenoblade Chronicles is one of the most vastly underappreciated games of the last generation. The problem is twofold: First of all, it’s a new IP. Despite the fact that reviews– both critically and from users– considered it the best RPG of this generation, most people saw the title, learned that it was for Wii, and then decided it was probably mediocre at best. The second problem the game had was that it launched after the Wii was essentially dead, so the amount of people who really heard about it was far less than games of equal caliber on other systems. Still, if you haven’t yet picked up the game and you’re a fan of JRPGs, you truly have no excuse: Head out to your local game shop and pick it up.