[Wii Send-Off] The Ten Most Under-Appreciated Wii Games

2. Little King’s Story
I would be hesitant to call Little King’s Story better than Pikmin, but if a homeless man came up to me on the street and told me it was, I would– after being someone confused– be unable to tell him he was wrong. Similar in style to Nintendo’s RTS-esque gardening game, LKS tells the story of a young boy who finds a crown and proceeds to take control of villagers, use them as soldiers, and conquer many charming, hilarious, and often slightly satirical lands. On top of its pitch-perfect gameplay and great style, the campaign is actually a sizeable 20-30 hours long, and you can squeeze more than that out of it if you so desire. Much like Muramasa though, it sold only decently and is now being ported to Vita. The difference is that LKS on Vita has a stupid new greyed-out visual style.