[Wii Send-Off] The Top Ten Non-Launch Wii Channels

10. Mario Kart Channel
A few Nintendo games were launched alongside downloadable channels that would be installed when the user first played its respective games. Wii Fit was the one I personally remember the most, but perhaps the most objectively famous of these was the Mario Kart channel, which allowed users to participate in competitions, daily challenges, view leaderboards, and connect with other players. I never used it much, but it’s good to hear that some of you spent some time with it!

9. The Today and Tomorrow Channel
Ah yes, the PAL-only “Today and Tomorrow Channel”. This channel never made its way to North America so I never got to experience it first hand, but from the looks of it, it packed all the functionality of a daily newspaper into a free app that could be accessed through the Wii. Or something. As I’ve learned from my research, the channel let up to six users form a group, get predictions based on their astrological signs, and see how their life would play out in various ways such as love, money, and health.
Maybe North America will get this one on Wii U someday…

8. The Wii Shop Channel
Despite the fact that the question CLEARLY said this didn’t include channels that were available at launch, you guys thought it would be funny to have this one make the list evidently. In retaliation, you don’t get a real description of it. Take that, faithful readers!

7. The Internet Channel
I remember when the Internet Channel first came out and I spent hours just watching Youtube videos on my TV. I sure thought that was cool– as I’m sure many of you did– up until we realized it was way more convenient to just use our SmartDevices or computers. Still, one of the primary uses of this channel (launched as a free trial in 2007) was letting users purchase items selected from within the Nintendo Channel. In that respect I suppose it made good use of itself!