[Wii Send-Off] The Top Ten Non-Launch Wii Channels

1. The Nintendo Channel
Perhaps the only legitimately useful channel Nintendo ever released was the Nintendo Channel, which allowed people to view trailers, behind-the-scenes videos, rate games, check stats on game playing around the world, and download Nintendo DS demos onto their handhelds through the Wii console. While all of that is well and good, one thing in particular kept me coming back to the app weekly: Nintendo Week. Hosted by the wonderfully charming Alison, the awkward and entertaining Gary, and Gary’s evil twin “Dark Gary”, the show would update me on things I already knew everything about, but didn’t mind hearing for a second time. The great jokes also helped to keep me coming back for more!
I’m actually pretty sad that it got canned. I know people really dig the “Nintendo Show 3D” on the eShop, but it’s just not for me… I want Nintendo Week to come back!
That’s it for the ten best channels on the Wii! Why not take some extra time and check out our seven other lists!?
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