[Wii Send-Off] The Top Ten Third-Party Wii Games
1. Monster Hunter Tri
Much like another Capcom property (think survival horror, used to be good, etc), Monster Hunter Tri is a game that confuses your traditional gamer at first glace. Slow controls, tough-to-master weaponry, endless grinding, and hours of menu scrolling don’t sound like something most people would enjoy, but given a few dedicated hours online with friends and Monster Hunter can turn from a clunky, unfinished fantasy game to an addicting, strategic, and fantastic epic where you and three friends get together to take down massive beasts in missions that often last an hour. Add in the fact that the game shipped with the very first version of the Classic Controller Pro and you’ve got the formula for a list-topper!
That’s it for the ten best third party games on the Wii! Why not take some extra time and check out our seven other lists!?
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