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[Wii Send-Off] The Top Ten Wii Peripherals (Released or Unreleased)

Posted on November 9, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in Features, Wii

10. The NYKO Perfect Shot

Even though it was not released by the Big N, the NYKO perfect shot might be the perfect example of a third party peripheral done “right”. Sure, it didn’t have much of an audience, but the actual design of it was better than the Wii Zapper for light gun games, and firearms aficionados would appreciate the fact that it actually looked somewhat like a weapon and not like the weird conglomeration of parts that the Wii Zapper was.

9. ‘BOSS’ Super Shell Classic

We first got wind of these cheap-yet-awesome Wiimote shells around the time that New Super Mario Bros. Wii was coming out, and I remember thinking that I absolutely HAD to buy a few before I forgot. Unfortunately, I forgot, but apparently you guys didn’t! The shells came in four colors (green, red, yellow, and blue) and are just three dollars at Gamestop. Maybe I should still buy some. After all, my Wiimotes still work with the Wii U!

8. The Nunchuk

When I was writing this survey question I didn’t really think about it, but I guess in one sense the Wiimote’s companion controller the “Nunchuk” does count as a peripheral! As essential as it is comfortable (so, pretty essential– but not absolutely), the Nunchuk comes with every Wii, and you can buy spares for $20 a pop. Not much else to say about this one!

7. The Wii Horse

Seen only in passing as a patent filed in 2009, the “Wii Horse” looked something like a beanbag chair mixed with those old children’s rocking horses (back when people played with real toys), only you could slide the Wiimote into a pocket on the side and hold the nunchuk to control an on-screen character. It’s hard to say exactly how much use this would have, but I can think of a few games it would work well for. And by “a few” I mean one. And it wouldn’t even work that well for it.


Onwards to #6-4…

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