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[Wii Send-Off] The Top Ten Wii Peripherals (Released or Unreleased)

Posted on November 9, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in Features, Wii

3. The Wii Balance Board

When you really think back on it, the Wii sure did launch a TON of new genres. Not only did it start every single motion-gaming genre from here on out, not only did dance games become a “thing” on it, and not only did generic minigame collections enter a new golden age, but fitness games really didn’t even exist before Nintendo’s little white console came out. I mean, think about it– after Wii Fit and the balance board came out, how many fitness cames starting pouring out of third parties? Jillian Michaels, Zumba Fitness, EA Sports Active, My Fitness Coach… I mean seriously! I don’t think I ever realized the impact that Nintendo’s desire to get people in shape has had on the industry!

Onwards to #2…

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