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[Wii Send-Off] The Top Ten Wii Peripherals (Released or Unreleased)

Posted on November 9, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in Features, Wii

2. The Classic Controller Pro

When you talk about the Wii, it’s inevitable that you end up with a discussion about how much that the console changed the way games are played and perceived, but one Wii peripheral didn’t represent revolution at all– it represented Nintendo’s caving into pressure and coming out with a REAL controller for the Wii. Even though we got the Classic Controller shortly after launch (and what a great controller it was!), some games just couldn’t be done properly without dual analog, ergonomic controllers like the PS360 had. Cue the Classic Controller Pro, a $20, Capcom-developed controller that made a few minor adjustments to Nintendo’s version and then packed itself in with Monster Hunter Tri. Not the best controller, but it definitely helped!

Onwards to #1…

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