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[Wii Send-Off] The Top Ten Wii Peripherals (Released or Unreleased)

Posted on November 9, 2012 by (@NE_Austin) in Features, Wii

1. Wii Motion+

No matter how much any given Wii peripheral changed the landscape of gaming for the casual players, not a single one holds any water with the “core” audience as much as Wii Motion+. Before this add-on came out, the 1-to-1 motion dreams that we all hoped would come with the Wii had been nothing more than that: a dream. With the announcement of this gyroscopic nublet device however, Nintendo actually made the promise of true motion control in a way that wasn’t 1-to-1; it was better than 1-to-1.

The first few games we saw for it were sports games (great sports games, but still sports games) but once we saw its potential with Red Steel 2 people got very giddy about the gadget’s future. All of the hype for the Wii– from its 2005 announcement as the “Revolution” all the way through WMPlus– culminated with this peripheral in the form of The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, which finally gave everyone the 1:1 motion control they had wanted for so long.

That’s it for the ten best peripherals on the Wii! Why not take some extra time and check out our seven other lists!?

Already finish all eight lists? Leave a comment below and say why you think the rankings are really good or really bad and stuff!

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