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You do not need to pre-order Monster Hunter Tri to receive the demo

Posted on March 4, 2010 by (@NE_Austin) in News, Wii

I’ve heard a few stories about people getting heckled by Gamestop to pre-order Monster Hunter Tri in order to receive the demo, and even I was tricked into putting down a deposit on the title! While it isn’t a huge deal, because I will definitely be keeping that pre-order down, it’s worthwhile to post this and clear up some information: You do NOT need to pre-order the game to receive the demo. According to Capcom’s official blog, the demo should be available at no cost to you, so feel free to run into your local Gamestop and steal a copy! Of course, Valay informed me that even when he made it very clear to the employees of his Gamestop that Capcom said the demo should be free, they wouldn’t give him a copy without a pre-order, so be prepared for a bit of a struggle! Or just be real sneaky-like…

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