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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories details

Posted on April 7, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

– Dr. K will ask you to fill out personality profile
– Teresa’s used-clothing store and Clear Picture video store examples of locations
– Can open a door slightly and peer into room with flashlight
– Looks good visually on Wii
– Example of game’s puzzles: Bed of nearby truck has three cans, pick one up and shake it with the Wii remote – then can hear a rattling sound from controller speaker, turn can upside down and a key will fall
– Not Harry’s first visit to Silent Hill
– Harry seems to be suffering from amnesia
– Use cell phone static to find clues, details about the story/background of Silent Hill
– Sometimes might need to take a picture to find messages
– Examples of game changing: Things you hear, clothes that characters wear, locations that can be visited at a certain time
– Creatures are weak against heat – use flares to keep them at bay
– Can carry a flare until it burns out
– Releasing on Wii since it seemed ideal to shake up the idea of a horror game

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