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Nintendo talks about E3, Dunaway confirms she’ll take the stage again

Posted on April 10, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Small update: Added video

Uh oh. Looks like Cammie Dunaway, NOA’s executive VP of sales and marketing confirmed that she’ll take the stage at this year’s E3 again. On the bright side, she promises that we won’t see any antics this year like attempting to snowboard.

Here’s Ms. Dunaway addressing why Nintendo fans should be excited about E3:

“Well, because, I’m going to be up on stage presenting, something that your fans ought to love. But I’m not gonna snowboard, I’m not gonna show my mother’s day card. I’m just going to talk about the games.”

There was one other detail that Cammie touched upon, again about E3. I’m not too sure if she was cut off, but when asked if there was anything she could say about E3, she simply shrugged her shoulders said, “All I can say is I hope we have something.”

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