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Aliens: Colonial Marines dev got Wii U kits two months before E3, easy to work with, more

Posted on June 24, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

This information comes from Aliens: Colonial Marines producer Brian Burleson…

“We didn’t get the hardware for the Wii U until a couple of months ago, and we’ve been working on it since. The software, it’s pretty easy to work on, so that makes things a lot easier. When you already have something working, especially on the Unreal Engine, it’s a pretty basic, straightforward port at that point. Unreal makes it easier to do that, for sure. It’s too early too early to talk about the specifics on that [Wii U functionality], because we’ve just got things working. We’ll talk more about what that’s going to be and what’s going on in the future. But the goal is always to make it… for all the platforms to be the same. It really sucks to have a game be nerfed on one platform, or missing a feature on one platform. So the goal is always to make we’re fully-featured, and that everything is the same experience. It [the game] runs on the console, and you can do some really cool stuff with it. We’ll talk more about that in the future, but just think about the possibilities.”

A common compliment we’ve been hearing from developers is that it’s been easy working with the Wii U hardware. Here’s hoping that even more companies will be open to trying out the Wii U if teams can get content running without much trouble.


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