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Site updates

We don’t really have any good luck when it comes to site downtime, do we? Our host underwent emergency maintenance at about 5 EST today, but we didn’t get back up until 7 EST or so. The actual maintenance was complete after roughly thirty minutes, but then we had to restart some sort of lovely box, which we obviously weren’t able to do for quite some time! I’d rather not get into the tech mumbo jumbo and drag this post on long, but rest assured that we are completely fine now. I feel like I’ve said that so many times throughout NE’s life, but I’m honestly hoping for a better technical future as the months go on.

Oh, and before I forget, happy Fourth of July to those who celebrate!

It’s been quite awhile since we’ve had a true official site update. But today, we have two pieces of information to discuss!

First, Nintendo Everything finally has a twitter. I’ll be honest, I’m not a huge twitter fan. I never was in to the whole thing of following people on there and reading people’s messages. However, registering for a twitter is something that Austin and I have been discussing for a very, very long time. I’m aware that many people use it to get quick updates and the like. And now we finally have one of our own! Here’s the best news: You can receive every single update straight from our account, the minute it goes live on the site. Of course you’ll have to click on the link to find out what exactly the post is about, but twitter is all about short updates…Right?!

This whole twitter nonsense might be a huge bust. But oh well! We’ll be trying to create a more pleasing image from our sidebar in the future. For now though, we’ll see where this twitter business takes us.

Nintendo Everything twitter here

I also wanted to briefly mention The Conduit. I’m sure most of you have been enjoying the game the last few days (myself included!) and I’ve noticed that some of you have posted your codes in various comments on the site. To make things a bit more organized though, you can post your codes in this post, or even better, in our forum. We just started a brand new topic dedicated to posting friend codes. There might even be a tournament coming up in the future! So make sure you check out the forum topic here and share your code!

That’s all the updates I have for now. Don’t forget, we posted our Ghostbusters review today as well.


Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 2 Comments

The last two days have been pretty eventful, haven’t they? I think I can safely say, though, that there won’t be any issues for a long time to come.

Today’s issue was simply a matter of upgrading to a new version of WordPress. You would think that would be easy, right? But nope – The script timed out before the upgrade finished. That left the site in a bit of a mess since there were files from both an old and new version of WordPress, in addition to an old type of database.

But we’re all okay now! We’ve revereted to where we were this morning, when everything was fine and dandy. I think I’ll hold back on attempting to upgrade again at this point, since it’s not imperative for the site’s well-being. So again, I don’t know what else to say besides sorry! We are definitely glad to be back (again).

We had a solid number of months before experiencing any sort of site issues, but as you can see….Well, we were dead. According to our genius tech guy, Alex, the server ran out of room. So, obviously no more hard drive space translates into…Death!

Everything is good to go from this point on. The site has received an upgrade, and there should be no more errors (including 504s which began to pop up last night) anymore on Nintendo Everything.

In any case, enjoy your stay and I deeply apologize for the downtime!

An hour away!

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 4 Comments

Well folks, the day has finally come! Nintendo will be showing off its latest games at their annual E3 conference, which is now only one hour away.

Make sure to stick with Nintendo Everything for the latest news from the show – We’ll post news as soon as it happens. Moreover, screenshots, fact sheets, press releases, trailers, videos, and any other Nintendo-related items will go live once they become available.

My last words of “encouragement:” Try not to hype yourselves up too much. If we don’t get Zelda or Kid Icarus at E3, there’s always Nintendo’s October conference…And next year! Also, remember that Miyamoto is hosting a roundtable event later today…So perhaps there could a few surprises there (or maybe not). Now cross your fingers and hope for the best. But things couldn’t be worse than last year anyway, right?!

I mentioned this a big yesterday, but I wanted to reiterate that we will indeed be covering conferences for both EA and Ubisoft today. I’m pretty sure that Ubisoft will be focusing on at least Red Steel 2 and Rabbids Go Home. EA will definitely have some Nintendo news as well.

Anyways, here are the times for both conferences:

EA – 5:00 PM EST/2:00 PM PST
Ubisoft – 8:00 PM EST/5:00 PM PST

It’s almost that time again…In a few short days, we’ll know if all of our hopes and expectations have been fulfilled with announcements of Zelda, Mario, Kid Icarus, Star Fox, F-Zero, DSi Virtual Console, 2D Metroid for WiiWa…You get the idea…Or if we have had our dreams shattered. Okay, well, let’s try not be that negative!

In any case, our E3 coverage this week should be no surprise for those who have been keeping up with Nintendo Everything in the past. Basically, we’re going to be covering the heck out of the show. Not only are we planning on keeping the site up to date with all of the latest news from Nintendo’s conference, but we also will provide updates from third-party presentations. So if you’re looking for any sort of Nintendo E3 news, this is your one stop place to get it!

I do expect a good amount of news to be released from EA’s/Ubisoft’s conferences, so our coverage will officially begin tomorrow. We’ll give you another update on Tuesday as well, before Nintendo’s press event starts.

We’re alive

Posted on 15 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 0 comments

That was pretty annoying wasn’t it?! This may seem crazy, but we weren’t actually too sure what was happening with the site. The server was down for awhile, but when that came back up, NE was still down. However, we’re now fairly positive that there was some database corruption. We’re okay now…And it’s great to be back!

We haven’t had a “real” site update in awhile, so I thought this would be the perfect day to fill you all in regards to what we have planned for the next few weeks/what’s been going on.

There are a few things that you’ll be able to see on the site today. Another review from Austin will be going up as well as the first of my “Rambling thoughts” articles. Like the name implies, I’ll be discussing (or rambling on) about a particular topic relating to video games. It may be related to a specific game, a genre, anything video game related really…Whatever is on my mind!

Hey folks,

Hope you all are doing well on this lovely evening (if you live in the Eastern Time Zone). You might have been surprised when you read that the Official Nintendo Magazine news story (see news items below) was not written by me. Yup, that’s right – Austin completed that news post. Austin and I have been discussing his role on the site and we both agreed that he should help out a bit with news posts. Generally, I leave the site at around 10:30 EST to relax…You know, watch a Yankee game (even though they’ve gotten off to a dreadful start), and unwind from the day’s events. But now the news won’t stop then. Austin will be taking over the site once I leave during that time and will be posting news as well. I’m not sure how long he’ll be posting for, but you can at least expect articles to flow in until – I assume – 11:00 PM EST.

On days that I simply need a break (I promise there won’t be many of those) or leave for a short vacation (won’t be many of those days either!), the site won’t die like it used to. Fortunately, Austin will also be able to run things in my absence. I’ll still be posting news regularly and my schedule won’t change, but it will be great to receive some additional assistance.

I’ve already gone over just about everything I can think of with Austin. I don’t expect him to be perfect in his first few days, but he’ll become a natural in no time. This change will begin today or tomorrow…Depending on whether Austin receives my latest email.

Hope you all have a wonderful night!

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