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Image & Form officially confirms new SteamWorld game for 3DS

Posted on August 10, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News

Just a few days after SteamWorld Dig hit the 3DS eShop, developer Image & Form has confirmed that a new game in the series will be made for the platform.

The company recently said:

“You’re asking for follow-up on SteamWorld Dig and I’m happy to tell you that as of yesterday, thanks to the overwhelming response and a relieved sense of having a potential big hit, we decided to forge ahead on the next project in the series. SteamWorld is here to stay, and we’ll stay on the 3DS.”

I wouldn’t expect to hear details on this new game anytime soon, but at least we know that the 3DS will be getting more SteamWorld love!


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