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Iwata appears at Monster Hunter 4 event in Japan, talks 3DS, teases collaboration with Capcom

Posted on August 27, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

Capcom held a launch event for Monster Hunter 4 in Japan earlier today. Nintendo president Satoru Iwata made a stage appearance, completing the cycle of when he announced the title for 3DS nearly two years ago.

From the original shocking announcement of Monster Hunter 4, “I believe there is truly deep emotion swirling around today as we are presented a topnotch quality game at this completion presentation”, he said paying tribute to Capcom.

Also mentioned is that 3DS has achieved sales of 12 million units in Japan to date. Iwata has been talking around with a lot of people about Monster Hunter 4, who say of a lot of positive things. And, “In recent years, the dedicated gaming business is not supposed to be doing well” is often talked about, especially in the Japanese market. But when it comes to Nintendo, they keep on going and not much has changed.

Iwata additionally threw out another statistic: 90% of 3DS users have connected their system to the Internet. In addition to local play, Monster Hunter 4 will support Internet functionality. Also brought up is that there will be new ways to enjoy the StreetPass features by taking advantage of the StreetPass Relay Stations, which will allow players to get involved with even more people.

Iwata stated that symbolizing something like Capcom and Nintendo teaming up would not have thought to have been possible, but they continued and incorporated a “symbol” of this within the software – a tease of some form of collaboration. The meaning was not revealed, leaving fans wanting to know more information. News about this will apparently be shared prior to September 14.

In the end, Iwata commented on just wanting to experience rich gameplay from Monster Hunter 4 made possible by a game system.

Source 1, Source 2

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