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Monster Hunter 3 Loklak area detials

Posted on July 1, 2009 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

– The town gate, where you choose a server based on what level of experience you are and what it is you want to do (for example, recruit people for a quest). The gate’s also home to Loklak’s information desk, helpfully telling you about special shop sales and special limited-time events.
– The main square, where you trade items, buy tools/materials, and combine purchased or found materials together to make new things. There’s also an “interior workshop,” an outdoor stand that creates furniture for your guest house (more on that below) if you bring the owner the right items.
– The tavern, where you pick up quests and eat food to power up your hunter before hitting the road. The bar’s also home to the town colosseum, where tournaments are occasionally held.
– The lodging row, where the guest houses are. The size of your guest house depends entirely on your hunter’s rank; the better you get, the more luxurious it becomes. You can also invite friends to your place to hang out if you like.
– The workshop, where you buy and upgrade/modify your weapons.


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