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360, PS3 are power hungry compared to Wii

Posted on November 19, 2008 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

According to the NRDC, the Wii costs only $10 annually when the system is left on. This price is much less compared to the 2007 revisions of the Xbox 360 and PS3, which cost $103 and $107 respectively each year. However, it is a known fact that the Wii is a considerably underpowered console than Microsoft and Sony’s systems.

When each machine is turned off, the Wii costs $3 annually while the 360 costs $11 and the PS3 $12. As far as watts go, the Wii leads the pack with only an average of 16 watts used while active. The 360 utilizes 119 watts and the PS3 requires 150 watts.

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