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3DS details (Kid Icarus: Uprising, Paper Mario, Luigi’s Mansion sequel possible)

Posted on July 25, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

This information comes from Nintendo Power…

Kid Icarus: Uprising

– A number of different weapons in the game
– Pit’s attitude is casual
– Will feature “additional features and attractions”
– Sakurai wants the game to be released very close to the 3DS’ launch (if not at launch)

Paper Mario 3DS

– Decals are important

News from Hideki Konno

– Once again, he was put in charge of designing the next handheld
– Miyamoto wanted 20 versions of the original Nintendogs so that players would get a feeling of what it’s like to receive a dog from a pet store
– Konno wouldn’t say if DSiWare downloads can be transferred, but he did say that Nintendo will take care of their customers and respond to their feelings
– Luigi’s Mansion sequel could wind up on 3DS


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