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5 video game stores ransacked in just 10 days

Posted on December 31, 2008 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News


It’s not so common to hear about a series of video game-related crimes that are executed in a short period of time. The Sacramento County area has been hit with five robberies at video game stores in ten days. Four of the five accounts have occurred at GameStop retailers.

Detectives have been piecing together the cases and believe the robberies may be related. At least two men have entered during the robberies and one man has been spotted with a shotgun. The robbers have been reported to be after money from both the store and customers.

You might think that – since the men have been robbing video game stores – the robbers might be interested in a few video game products as well. Oddly enough though, there have been no reports of actual video game merchandise being taken.

Source 1, Source 2

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