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Producer says lack of time and resources preventing Lords of Shadow 2 for Wii U

Posted on February 10, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 producer David Cox has said time and time again that a Wii U version isn’t in the cards. However, we’ve never really seen any concrete reasons as to why it won’t be happening.

Cox was once again asked about Lords of Shadow 2 recently, but this time outlined reasons for the lack of a Wii U port.

It all comes down to resources. According to Cox, MercurySteam possesses “a limited amount of people working on the title.” He would anticipate needing to have an extra 20-30 staffers in order to complete a Wii U version. Development has also reached a certain point in which “it would be very hard for us to work on a Wii U version without negatively effecting the general development of the title.”

“The reason that we’re not making a Wii U version of Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 is because of our resources. We have a limited amount of people working on the title. About 60 people worked on the first title and that’s a pretty small team. With the sequel we have slightly expanded that team, but in order to make a Wii U-version, we need about 20 to 30 extra people. Next to that, we’re already pretty far into the development of Lords of Shadow 2, so it would be very hard for us to work on a Wii U version without negatively effecting the general development of the title. That’s the only reason there won’t be a Wii U-version, it’s not that we don’t want to make it, it’s just that it wouldn’t make sense for us to do so right now.”

Source, Via

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