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Why MercurySteam made Mirror of Fate’s assets in HD

Posted on February 10, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

There’s been a lot of talk about Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate coming to other platforms. It’s just not going to happen, though.

One of the points brought up in recent days is that MercurySteam made all of the game’s assets in HD. That would lead to easier development of a console release, wouldn’t it? Well, producer David Cox has said that this process is a “common technique” in video game-making – and nothing more. He reiterated that there are “no plans” to bring Mirror of Fate to any other system.

The reason we’ve first made Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate in HD to then downscale the graphics to the 3DS is because it ensures that the quality of the images is maintained. It’s a common technique when making videogames. We used a lot of PC’s while developing the Nintendo 3DS-game, but that doesn’t mean there’s also a PC-version coming.

Even though we’ve got HD-assets of the game, the game is pretty much designed for the Nintendo 3DS. It’s always been our focus and intention to the release the game for that platform. We have no plans to bring the game to HD-consoles. We have no plans to create a different version. The game is pretty much designed to play with the dual screens and to use the capabilities of the 3DS.

It’s not uncommon for developers to save the HD-assets of a game to possibly use them in future projects, but at this time we’ve got nothing planned.

Source, Via

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