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Wii U can run Chrome Engine just fine, lack of Dead Island is up to Deep Silver to discuss

Posted on March 19, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories

The fact that Dead Island: Riptide isn’t heading to Wii U has nothing to do with the game’s engine.

Creative producer Alexander Toplansky suggested last week that the team would have required to build the engine for Nintendo’s platform for a port to happen. But as it turns out, Riptide’s omission on Wii U is not at all related to the project’s tech.

International brand manager Blazej Krakowiak has since clarified that Wii U can run the Chrome Engine “without any problem”, and it has been working on the console since last year.

“Chrome Engine runs on Wii U without any problem. We tested and confirmed that long time ago, back in 2012. While it’s true that Nintendo’s latest console would be a new platform for us, there were simply no plans to develop a Wii U version but that decision has nothing to do with a need to rewrite our engine.”

When pressed again, Krakowiak would only say that the decision is “up to Deep Silver to discuss if they so choose”.


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