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A breakdown of Retro City Rampage’s sales

Posted on March 30, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii Shop Channel

Update: The official Retro City Rampage Twitter account has offered some clarification.

Retro City Rampage performed the best on the PlayStation Network. According to creator Brian Provinciano, who shared the breakdown of the game’s sales during a GDC panel, over $600,000 in revenue was generated through 35,000 copies sold on PSN – free PlayStation Plus copies not included.

PC was the second best-performing platform for Retro City Rampage, with most sales coming from Steam. From more than 40,000 units sold, the title collected over $400,000.

Another $200,000 came from Xbox Live Arcade thanks to 15,000 copies sold. And last but not least, WiiWare earned $100,000 with less than 5,000 copies sold.

Provinciano not only spent the most development time on the Xbox Live Arcade version, but also found it to be the most expensive. During his GDC panel, Provinciano said: “Knowing what I know now, I would’ve skipped it.” Retro City Rampage on WiiWare may have been a $20,000 gift to the fans, but in the end, the Xbox Live Arcade version took more out of Provinciano’s pockets.

For the time being, lifetime Retro City Rampage sales come in at around 97,000. Provinciano expects the total to surpass 100,000 next week.


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