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Ubisoft: franchises in gestation, BG&E2 “will happen when it will be perfect”

Posted on June 19, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

One Ubisoft brand that hasn’t been mentioned much as of late is Prince of Persia. Once one of the publisher’s top series, it’s now “in gestation” just like Ubisoft’s other franchises.

According to Ubisoft’s Europe boss Alain Corre:

“All our franchises are always in gestation. We are iterating. We are thinking about what can be done. But we can’t bring all the games and all the franchises every year. We have a lot on the show floor this year already. It will happen when we feel it is ready, when the creators have brought something interesting. That’s the case for all our franchises. They’re cooking. Some are cooking longer than others, but they’re cooking.”

No talk of Ubisoft would be complete without bringing up Beyond Good & Evil 2. There isn’t any important news to share, but Corre promised that the game “will happen when it will be perfect.”

“There are some works on it. There are some iterations on it. Now, some games are taking longer to be done, depending also on the creativity the creator can bring. You see the level of quality of the games today is very high. It takes time to find the right angle and message. It’s true that the trailer we showed years ago, in the desert with the pig sneezing and flies still resonates very well. These kind of brands are part of Ubisoft’s DNA. It will happen when it will be perfect.”


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